To best help you decide whether Direct Primary Care is for you, we have a list of expectations of you as a patient.

When you come to Zion Asher, be prepared to address root causes of any health issues. While modern medicine has many quick fixes, and we offer those bandaids; longer term, expect to address any behaviors that might be causing health problems. We will be highly supportive in that coaching process. We know change is hard, but it happens every day! Health is often a lifestyle and choice. Expect to have yourself challenged on habits or cultural practices.

In addition, we recognize that a human being is more than just a physical body. You have a mind and spirit too. Both Doctors Wostrel trust entirely in Jesus Christ for their salvation, and also in helping to treat you. As Christian Physicians, we sincerely seek to understand what the Creator says about your health. Be willing to consider how your faith can affect your health. Research shows much correlation with faith and health. We recognize and respect great differences exist in peoples beliefs and some can easily get offended. But we would be negligent to not humbly discuss such an obviously important aspect. Some patients simply need antibiotics, but sometimes the prescription is less physical.

Just as you can expect both physical and spiritual approaches, also expect a mental approach. Education is a critical component of your health. We are here to be experts who can guide you through a world full of people who shout contradictions. Who has the facts? We will help you sort through the information. Besides education in your visits, you will also be able to come to our group education seminars.

Fitness, diet, and exercise are critical components of your health. As physicians, we know that when a person pays attention to these things, we have a healthy patient. We want you healthy! We will work with you to get you to where you need to be.